If you’ve ever stood in front of an open refrigerator at 7:05 AM wondering what to grab for breakfast (when you have to be Out.The.Door. by 7:15), meal prepping may be your new best friend. Putting together a few items to grab for breakfast will not only free up time and energy in the morning,… Read more
Healthy Tips
The Sour Side of Sugar
Fructose, brown rice syrup, cane sugar, high fructose corn syrup – sugar is sugar, right? Not exactly! Not all sugar is created equal and not all sugar is bad. In this blog, we will explore the different forms of sugar and how they affect our bodies. Even though sugar gets a bad rap, it is… Read more
Make Use of Leafy Greens
During late spring and early summer, leafy greens are readily available at many stores, pantries, and farmer’s markets. Many greens grow best when the days are warm and the nights are still cool. As the summer moves on, the weather can get too hot for leafy greens and they’ll start to taste bitter so take… Read more
Food Safety At Home
Have you ever had food poisoning? Queasy stomach, chills, fever, diarrhea and vomiting are just a few of the symptoms people experience when they eat enough bacteria that grows on food that has not been cooked or chilled properly. If you haven’t had food poisoning, have you ever had the “24 Hour Bug” or “24… Read more
Mindful Movement
If you set a resolution for the new year to exercise more, you may be finding it hard. Moving more can certainly improve your physical health and protect you from cardiovascular diseases, and it also boosts your mental health and overall well-being. It is recommended that adults get 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75… Read more
Cooking for One
At different times in our lives we may find ourselves cooking and eating alone. Whether you’re a college student, on the other end of a break-up, or a new empty-nester, you may be having a hard time transitioning to cooking for just yourself. Working up the motivation to cook for yourself can be hard. This… Read more
Prep School: Using Dry Beans and Lentils
If you’ve stayed away from cooking dried beans or other dry legumes like lentils or split peas because you think it is complicated, think again. Yes, they take some time, but the most effort required is filling up a pot with water and letting it simmer on the stove. Beans and legumes are economical, the dried varieties are usually… Read more
7 Ways to Start Eating More Plant-Based
Plant-based diets are gaining in popularity and for good reason.They are associated with a number of health benefits, tend to be cheaper, and still offer plenty of variety and flavor. Plant-based diets feature plant foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains but they don’t need to be vegan or even vegetarian. You don’t need to… Read more
Winter Squash
To me, there are very few good things about winter. It’s cold, the sun doesn’t shine, and everything is white. However, one thing I do love about the winter season is the sense of coziness that comes along with it. The perfect winter day consists of getting all cuddled up under a blanket, watching a… Read more
New Year’s Food Traditions
Happy 2019! How’d you ring in the New Year? Out with friends, a quiet evening with family, solo with a good book? No matter how you spent it, Click ‘N Cook hopes you were able to celebrate with a good meal. The start of a new year is a time for many to start reflecting… Read more