Hydration: It Matters

Hydration, the process of adding an adequate amount of liquid to the tissues in your body, is critical to keeping your body functioning. Water regulates your body temperature, keeps joints lubricated, removes waste, aids in food digestion, and keeps your vital organs active. Proper and consistent hydration can also help improve sleep and mood. Every… Read more

Men’s Health Month

June is Men’s Health Month, a national health care awareness month to focus on encouraging boys, men, and their families to increase healthy living practices, such as exercising and eating healthy. Men in the United States, on average, die 5 years earlier than women. Men also die at higher rates from the three leading causes of death, heart disease, cancer and unintentional… Read more

Mental Health Awareness

In the past year, millions of people have uncovered new mental health conditions and millions more have seen their existing conditions get worse. Even though there is more open discussion about mental health than ever before, it is important to recognize that many people will not receive resources they need. This could be due to... Read more

National Nutrition Month

March has been nominated as National Nutrition Month® by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and we could not be more excited! This year, we want to celebrate diversity in nutrition with the theme “Personalize Your Plate.” We each have different bodies, cultural backgrounds and lifestyles and it’s okay for our plates to reflect that. MyPlate:… Read more

American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month, a national campaign to bring attention to heart disease – the leading cause of death for Americans in most racial and ethnic groups. In fact, it is estimated 1 in 3 women will die from cardiovascular disease every year. That’s about one woman every minute! Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a… Read more

Sitting Disease: What is It and How Can We Prevent It?

Did you know there is such a thing called Sitting Disease? Sitting Disease refers to the negative health consequences associated with long periods of physical inactivity and sedentary behavior (1). These negative health consequences include obesity and several other health conditions including high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat, high waist circumference, and… Read more

Thanksgiving Food Safety

Thanksgiving may look different this year. While you’re changing your plans to be sure you’re COVID safe, make sure you keep in mind these tips for keeping your food safe! Safe Turkey Preparation Wash your hands with hot, soapy water before working with any food. Keep the raw turkey separate from other foods – in… Read more

National Diabetes Month

November is National Diabetes Month. According to the CDC, 1.5 million Americans are newly diagnosed with diabetes every year. In 2017, diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. Approximately 13% of US adults have diabetes. The number of people in this country with diabetes is high, which is why we should… Read more

Fruits and Veggies – More Matters Month

Even though we all know that fruits and vegetables are a low-calorie source of filling fiber, water, and vitamins and minerals that power our body, over 90% of children and adults don’t eat the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables. Fruit and veggie intake is associated with reduced rates of many diseases including diabetes, heart… Read more


Freezer Tips

Your freezer could be a tiny box built into your fridge, a giant chest freezer in the garage or basement, or any type and size in between. Whatever your freezer looks like, one thing it has in common with all the others is when it is stocked well, you will have ingredients and meals at… Read more