National Diabetes Month

November is National Diabetes Month. According to the CDC, 1.5 million Americans are newly diagnosed with diabetes every year. In 2017, diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. Approximately 13% of US adults have diabetes. The number of people in this country with diabetes is high, which is why we should… Read more

Fruits and Veggies – More Matters Month

Even though we all know that fruits and vegetables are a low-calorie source of filling fiber, water, and vitamins and minerals that power our body, over 90% of children and adults don’t eat the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables. Fruit and veggie intake is associated with reduced rates of many diseases including diabetes, heart… Read more


Freezer Tips

Your freezer could be a tiny box built into your fridge, a giant chest freezer in the garage or basement, or any type and size in between. Whatever your freezer looks like, one thing it has in common with all the others is when it is stocked well, you will have ingredients and meals at… Read more

Get Outside: National Picnic Month

July is National Picnic Month. Use this as an excuse to have a socially distant gathering with friends or family. You can head to a backyard, rooftop, or park.  According to the CDC, gathering outside seems to be safer than indoors. For added safety: Have each family bring a blanket and use that as their… Read more

Skin Health through Food

We know that nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables are good for our health, fitness and overall well-being. Did you know that food plays an important role in the health of our skin, too? The food you eat can have a direct impact on the look and feel of your skin. Including certain foods in… Read more

Microwave Cooking – Safety and Tips

Is anything easier than the microwave? You put in some leftover food and in a couple minutes, you have yourself a hot, yummy meal.  While microwaves can make getting food on the table a faster and easier process, we want to make sure your food is safe and delicious. Here are some essential tips: Most… Read more

What’s in Season: Summer Produce

You can start finding a lot of great, local produce in June. In the months of July and August, produce availability really starts to pick up as the temperatures and sun time increase. Not only is local produce available during the summer, it is usually at the height of flavor and nutritional value. Plus, it’s… Read more

Vegetarian Protein: Using Dry Beans and Lentils

Many people are struggling to find some of the staples they typically cook with. Does your family typically eat meat at most meals but now you’re having a hard time finding it? Are you thinking about adding more beans and legumes to your diet but you aren’t sure where to start? Read-on for a re-post… Read more

Prep School: Plant-Based Proteins

Protein is a necessary part of our diets and is part of every cell in the body. Our bodies use it to build, maintain and repair muscles, tissues, organs, and it is a building block for bones, skin, and blood. Even hair and nails are made of protein. Many people get the protein they need… Read more

Using Non-Perishable Produce

We’re often told that we need to be eating more produce, but does it matter if it’s canned or frozen instead of fresh? Despite what people say, frozen and canned produce is just as healthy and nutrient-dense as fresh produce! However, there are things to consider when choosing your canned or frozen produce. In this… Read more