Go Further With Food

Go Further With Food

It’s never too late to set up new health and nutrition goals! March is National Nutrition Month® , a great time of year to connect with our bodies and to think about nutrition habits and the importance of food to our health. Nutrition goes beyond the word “diet” and it is not about restrictions or… Read more


Heart-Healthy DASH Diet

February is American Heart Month, a time to think about paper hearts, chocolate hearts, and even your own. Newsflash! Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States and is responsible for 1 in 4 deaths. A major risk factor for developing heart disease is high blood pressure…. Read more

weight loss

Myths & Facts: Weight Loss

If you are like many Americans, you likely spent the past month indulging with friends and family. Now you’re being flooded with advertisements for weight loss miracles. Turning over a new leaf for the new year is an admirable goal, but be sure you can separate fact from fiction before you get started. Myth: Starting… Read more

winter vegetables

What’s in Season: Winter

In New England and across the country, winter has arrived. With it comes warm socks, extra blankets, and comfort foods to keep our bodies warm inside and out. The daylight is shorter and the temperatures are cooler but that doesn’t mean there isn’t an abundant amount of fresh and ripe produce hitting the markets. There’s… Read more

Thanksgiving meal

Try Something New for your Thanksgiving Meal

While a table filled with turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet cranberry sauce and an assortment of vegetables is the traditional “Thanksgiving meal,” there’s plenty of reasons why you may not want to go with the standard group of recipes this year. The responsibility of cooking a turkey is daunting and not something you see as fun…. Read more


5 Micro-Nutrients You May Not Be Getting Enough Of

A well-balanced diet includes a variety of foods from the five food groups (protein, fruit, vegetable, grain, dairy). But just as important as the foods themselves is what they are made up of. Food is full of micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals), and when we don’t eat enough variety, we put ourselves at risk for deficiency…. Read more

childhood obesity

National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

One in 3 children in the United States is overweight or obese. Young people who fall into this demographic have a greater risk of diet-related diseases we have historically seen only in adult populations. These diseases include type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Children who are obese have a higher chance of… Read more


Favorite Fiber Filled Foods

Dietary fiber helps us feel and stay full after a meal. It can help reduce cholesterol, prevent constipation, and regulate our blood sugar. Many of us are already aware of these benefits but still aren’t getting enough fiber. Women should aim for 25 grams, and men for 38 grams per day. Over age 51, women… Read more

Plant-Based Diets

Plant-Based Diets

The term “plant-based diet” refers to different eating patterns, from vegan (no animal products at all) to the various types of vegetarian diets. Research has shown that people who choose to eat predominantly plant-based diets have lower rates of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. Plant-based diets have positive effects on people who… Read more

Frozen Produce

Sometimes Frozen Produce is Better!

Open your freezer and what do you see? A frozen pizza? Maybe some ice cream? How about frozen fruits and vegetables? During the winter and early spring months, fresh produce is more expensive, less flavorful, and less nutrient-dense than it is in the summer. But, don’t worry. It’s easy to get a wide variety of “off-season”,… Read more