key to health

Indoor Exercise

Winter is here! If you’re a winter sport lover, this is your time to get out there and hit the slopes, ponds, trails, or wherever you participate in a favorite activity. For those of who see snow on the ground and automatically want to stay inside, getting some exercise during the winter months can be tough. But fear not! There are plenty of ways you can stay active without going outside and still get a great workout. And for those of you who live in warmer climates, these indoor ideas work well in summer months, too.

  • YouTube has several channels that are specific to body weight workout routines (these don’t require any equipment). You can easily find videos that cover what you are in the mood to do, from cardio to strength training.
  • Download an app. There are so many you can download to your device there isn’t enough room in this post to cover them all. In the app store on your device, search for the type of exercise you want to do like “yoga” or “walking”. Be aware of possible fees, some have monthly or annual costs but many are completely free of charge.
  • Buy some simple equipment. A thick yoga mat is great for yoga, stretching, and balance. A couple pairs of hand weights will help with strength training (and you can usually find them in resale shops). For cardio, a jump rope is an excellent choice as the jumping also helps strengthen bones (win-win!). There are even apps specific to jump roping!
  • Put on some music and dance! It’s fun, it’s free, and nobody’s watching.
  • Clean the house. Believe it or not, this counts as exercise! Even though you may not break a sweat, your body is still moving and that’s what matters.
  • Visit the mall. Mall walking is a popular way for people to get in their steps without braving the weather. Some malls open their doors early, before the stores open, just for this purpose.
  • Check your television subscriptions. Cable and streaming services have channels that are specific to at home exercise.

If you do decide to join a gym, look around to see what type is best for you and your family. Gyms come in all types and cost levels, but you don’t need to sign up for an expensive, spa-like facility. There are plenty of ways you can get a gym membership without breaking the bank.

  • The YMCA believes in “Membership For All” and has a sliding scale fee based on need.
  • If you are over 65 and a Medicare participant, the SilverSneakers® program is designed specifically for you. It provides free or deeply discounted memberships at thousands of gyms and community centers across the country.
  • Some gym chains offer free one-month trials. You can find a couple of these to get you through the winter months.
  • Sign up for a family plan, this way your whole household can get in on the exercise without requiring separate memberships.

Written by Adriene Worthington, RDN, LDN

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